Tracking Down Forgotten Shares

I have moved stockbrokers a number of times- 4 in total. Some of these brokers have now left the industry and their business has closed.

Is there an easy way for me to track down potential shares I forgot I own?

If I have my SRN / HIN can I use this without knowing the exact company I invested/or stockbroker invested in? Going to the share registries they always ask for a HIN and not a name and a specific company.

Many thanks

A: Thanks for the question.


Shareholder Reference Numbers (SRN’s) are company specific – so unless you know the company name, it is unlikely you will have a SRN.


Holder Identification Numbers (HINs) are specific to the shareholder  and the sponsoring participant (ie broker). If you have a HIN, you could potentially try each of the 3 major registries and identify your individual company holdings. You could do this online at their investor centres by opening an account, or by contacting the registry directly. The major registries are:

  • Computershare
  • Link Market Services
  • Boardroom


Maybe best to speak to the individual registries directly and see what they say. They may offer a service where they locate the holding for you. Obviously, they will only be able to provide information on the companies that use their registry services.


Hope this helps

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