Mantra’s Bid by Accor


Mantra’s bid by Accor @3.96 last week with potential special divy, which will be taken out of bid.

Should I sell my shares at current price?


A: Thanks for the question.

Subject to any ACCC concerns, it looks like the bid will go ahead. By the time the Scheme meeting is held and the court approves, looks like shareholders won’t get paid until March 2018.


Upside on selling now: get the money now (approx. $3.89, less brokerage)

Downside on selling now: miss out on the opportunity of a higher bid (unlikely)


Wait till March upside: higher price $3.96, including special div  (max 23.5 cents) which is likely to be franked

Downside: have to wait till march, and risk ACCC saying no or placing conditions


Line ball. If you need the cash and want to invest in something else, I would probably sell now



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