Holding Telstra Stocks


You say ” I continue to maintain that Telstra will do quite a lot of work either side of $4.00, but because a 5.6% fully franked yield is interesting but not compelling, my sense is that you can afford to be patient. There is no rush to buy.”

What if you hold them already, T1, T2 and T3??

A: Thanks for the question.


Legally, I can’t provide you with personal advice unless I have a thorough understanding of your investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs.


So, with your investments in T1, T2, and T3 – what are your investment objectives? How does Telstra fit in with the rest of your portfolio?

Also, while it is very hard to ignore and relevant to tax considerations, what you paid for a stock is not really relevant to whether you keep or sell a stock.


My view is that Telstra isn’t going to go anywhere fast. This means that it will lag the market if the market rallies – and probably stay quite well bid if the market falls. In some way, a classic defensive stock. This means that if you are happy now with a circa 6% fully franked yield, not much upside, probably not too much downside – then hang on. If you think the market is going to rally and want stocks that will perform, then consider selling some Telstra and re-investing in other stocks.



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