Question of the Week

Questions of the Week

Why has Newcrest Mining fallen so far? When do the new rules about the downsizer super contribution come into effect? Are off-market share buybacks now dead? Wh..

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Questions of the Week

Could super be hit in Tuesday’s Budget? I am a shareholder in Magellan Financial Group. Should I be concerned about the ratings downgrade from Zenith? Is Wesf..

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Questions of the Week

Is there still value in BOQ? Can a SMSF continue to operate if one of only two trustees dies or becomes incompetent? How will the Telstra restructure impact me ..

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Questions of the Week

If interest rates have peaked, should I be buying long-term government bonds? If Aussie Broadband is doing a great job and the broker reports are positive, why ..

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Questions of the Week

Is there an easy way to be short the US dollar?; What are five companies to hold for income and the long term?; What do the brokers say about Qantas?; What is t..

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Questions of the Week

Is IGO a buy?; Would the listed investment company MFF Capital Investments be a good buy for my super fund?; Why has the market gone cold on Domino’s Pizza?; ..

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