Question of the Week

Questions of the Week

I want to hedge my currency exposure on US stocks. Have I missed the boat? Which is best for growth - QBE or Suncorp? Do the brokers prefer Rio or BHP, and whi..

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Questions of the Week

Did the brokers change their view on Westpac following Monday’s profit result? When will the NAB and Westpac dividends be paid? Is participating in a dividend..

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Questions of the Week

If ZIP Payments has a ‘buy’ rating, why does it keep dropping? Will the acquisition of ELMO Software complete at $4.85, or should I sell now? Why has metal ..

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Questions of the Week

Why has Newcrest Mining fallen so far? When do the new rules about the downsizer super contribution come into effect? Are off-market share buybacks now dead? Wh..

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Questions of the Week

Could super be hit in Tuesday’s Budget? I am a shareholder in Magellan Financial Group. Should I be concerned about the ratings downgrade from Zenith? Is Wesf..

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Questions of the Week

Is there still value in BOQ? Can a SMSF continue to operate if one of only two trustees dies or becomes incompetent? How will the Telstra restructure impact me ..

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