Recent Commentary
The only way is down for interest rates
Despite the fact that the housing market is turning up, some investors may be surprised to know that the chances of another official interest rate cut in coming weeks is actually quite high.
Unhedged still a good choice
Don’t fret, with the Australian dollar set to fall more, there’s still time to increase your exposure to international investments.
Abenomics and the land of the rising equity market
Attention has turned to the Japanese equity market, which has been one of the best performers in recent times, thanks to radical new reforms. There are doubts, however, that “Abenomics” will work ..
Aussie dollar hasn’t fallen enough to stop RBA rate cuts…yet
The Aussie dollar has dropped around 8% in recent times, but is still well above average. So, how will the RBA react?
How low can the Aussie Dollar go?
It looks like the days of the Australian dollar staying above parity with the US dollar are over. But it may not start plunging just yet.
The big dipper
Commodity prices have experienced wild price swings in recent times, and investors in the resource sector would be wise to keep an eye on China.