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Betashares HVST ETF

We have had Betashares HVST ETF in our super fund for about 6 months and it has returned great results for us as the monthly dividend adds up to over 10% pa and about 3% capital gains in the last 6 months. It has gone better than most things over that period. I know you have reported on it in other questions but nothing recently. Can you update your opinion on it now based on performance in the last 6 months please and advise on possible downsides to HVST.

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Company balance sheet analysis

Hi Peter, I am not sure if you have run with this before — but just listening to the talk by Mr Murray from Perennial Value Management about how important it is to evaluate each company’s Balance Sheet to assess it’s financial value — I wondered whether you have ever run a session for those investors who aren’t accountants to show what to look for when looking at a Company Balance Sheet? Not just to talk about it, but to show an actual Company Balance Sheet and the critical figures (columns) that one should look for. Even if you have in the past, I’m sure that kind of thing bears repeating every few years.

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Calculating SMSF performance

Paul, thank you for your performance article. You mention that because funds in person mode don’t pay tax you expect an additional 15% in performance. But, funds in pension mode are withdrawing funds (the pension) on a regular basis and in some cases large sums, so actual final balance $’s are a bit misleading. Should I simply adjust the balance to add the pension withdrawals back in and calculate from there?


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WAM Capital a good buy?

Is Wam Capital Ltd a good buy ? considering the F16 results.
*Capital profit increased to 85.7%
*A fully franked full year dividend of 14.5 cents per share giving a 6.3% dividend yield.

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