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SMSF and Notional Transfers

I follow with great interest your super advice and also your two model investment portfolios.

My wife and I have about $4m in our unsegregated SMSF, which has been in pension mode for the last 10 years, of which about two-thirds is mine and one-third is hers. Thus it is likely that I will be about $1m over the $1.6 cap as at 30 June 17. Obviously I can remove this surplus out of super before that date but my financial adviser says that I need to do nothing at all at this stage. He says that after 30 June my portion can be notionally divided into a ‘pension’ component and an ‘accumulation’ component by means of an ‘actuarial certificate’ that will cost around $250, and that this will meet the legal requirements. Is this a valid option since I never see it discussed?

Best wishes.


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Is It Possible to Have a Higher Cap Than 1.6 Million?

I have recently read Graeme Colley’s articles where he states that it is possible to have a higher cap than $1.6 million on 1 July if you are the recipient of a defined benefit pension. I am in this category, however, so far I have been unable to find any information on how this will apply.

Can you please give me some direction as to where I can find some more information in relation to this and how it will be calculated.

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Where do you see AMP going in the near future? I purchased some at @$12.48 in 2000. Should I sell?

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Exposure across different sectors

I manage a small family SMSF which has been moving along quite nicely at 9% & 7.8% over the last two years. It is not shooting the lights out, but only giving the occasional heart palpitations. This is no doubt due to some sage advise from your publication and a fairly well balanced portfolio, save for the absence of meaningful positions in energy [apart from a minute interest in WPL ] and to a lesser extent utilities. Due to hard lessons learned in years gone by in these sectors, I will never have the intestinal fortitude to have anything more than a modest participation in these sectors.

As a result of tidying up of the portfolio in recent we have funds awaiting redeployment. I seek your thoughts as to whether we may have missed the boat or can you suggest a sock that may be suitable for each sector. Are we better to perhaps to stick to our knitting and not worry about creating the theoretical perfectly balanced portfolio?


I would be very interested in your thoughts.


Thank you.

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Planning around the Pension Cap

I am in the fortunate position of having a reasonable sum of money in my SMSF. At this stage my Fund balance is slightly over the 1.6m Pension Cap by $10k.

Currently I hold approx. 1.5m in stocks and 110k in cash. My SMSF is in pension mode and I pay myself a monthly pension from the fund.

Most of my investments are listed on the ASX and my SMSF has been hovering around the 1.6m limit for some time now. If the markets tread a steady path I estimate I will be over the limit by approx. 20K.

My thoughts were if I was to be over the 1.6m limit prior to the cut of period I would take the exccess from the cash account as it would save me the bother from selling a small proportion of stocks to settle the matter.

I believe I have 2 options with this small excess amount;
A) Roll back the excess into an accumulation account within the SMSF where 15% of tax is payable on the earnings.
B) Withdraw the excess to hold in another entity or personally.

I believe rolling back into an accumulation account could be a bit fiddly so my thoughts were to go with option B and place this excess amount (say 20k) into my personal bank account and possibly put it towards some house maintenance or my kids Uni fees.

I’m assuming that under option B the amount I am withdrawing from the SMSF would be classified as a lump sum payment.

My Question is: Do I need to undertake this trimming to the 1.6m limit each year from here on in, or is this the one and only time that this is required to be undertaken?

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National Storage

Is anyone following NSR? We have a small holding but are considering adding to it as its potential for growth appears good (at our basic level of financial understanding) and it has a reasonable yield.

Any comments?

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