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Vocus Communication

What is your opinion on Vocus Communication?

I was a long time shareholder of M2 communications, which recently merged with Vocus. I watched the share price get hammered and not sure if it’s a structural issue with the company (massive debt and reduced margins), or whether it’s short term intergestion from the mergers.

I hate to sell companies that have had a massive fall, but don’t want to hang onto it if it’s no longer the top quality company I originally bought. It currently makes up 7.5% of my portfolio, down from around 16%.

Your thoughts are appreciated.

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Woolworths – Hold or Sell?

In today’s report (Buy, Sell, Hold – what the brokers say – Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, 08/05/17), Macquarie has downgraded Woolworths from neutral to sell.

What’s your view please? I hold a large portion of my portfolio 2341 shares / 21% with cost base price of $2.45.

Should I sell some or do the dividends make it a good hold?

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Diversifying into International Offerings

Recently we had an SoA done for our SMSF and the adviser recommended that we diversify into more international offerings, as we are heavily Australian invested via the ASX and some managed funds.

He suggested, among other things, Global Infrastructure and US Large Cap Equity, or mix US – World ex Australia.

We are not sure how to go about this, as we prefer to invest direct. Can you help with suggestions of funds we could look at?

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Stocks in the Utilities Sector

We currently hold DUET Group (DUE) in our SMSF and have enjoyed a healthy annual yield of 7% + over the last few years. With the proposed takeover (and subsequent de-listing) of DUE we are looking for a suitable replacement within the same industry.

Spark Infrastructure (SKI) appears to “fit the bill” as far as industry classification is concerned, yet their current yield is well below what DUE have been paying.

Your thoughts/comments would be appreciated.


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Coca-Cola Amatil and Carsales

Could you give me your thoughts on how you see the future for CAR and CCL please.

I currently hold both these stocks in my portfolio within my SMSF which is in pension mode. CAR appears to have been going sideways for some time now. Do you see much growth in this stock?

Also, in your latest ‘Buy, Sell, Hold’, CCL has been upgraded by Credit Suisse and downgraded by UBS. Your thoughts please.

Thank you.

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