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Why did NEA fall?

You have been helpful in my previous questions.

Can you check out NEA for me? It fell 4.3% today, admittedly 2.5 cents out of 58cents. I think someone dumped a parcel of stock, as I cannot see anything on the company announcements to explain it. But if there us something more serious happening I’d like to know.

NEA is one of those internet technology based service companies, which I have held for over a year since (I think) Simon Bond mentioned it on the Switzer TV program.

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Should I invest in Platinum’s international fund?

Charlie has been recommending Platinum (PTM). I am currently completing the forms. What particular trust was Charlie referring to? International fund, unhedged, etc?

I seem to recall somewhere in a previous report that it was international fund but he may have been recommending a spread. Please let me know as I am keen to go ahead.

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