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Are Altura Mining still in receivership?

Hi Paul, I hold some Altura Mining which went into liquidation last year. I rang the liquidators who informed me that they were not involved anymore and the directors had taken over.

What does this mean?

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What are your thoughts on Bitcoin?

This question is for Peter Switzer
Let’s talk about Bitcoin . This is not going away and slowly companies and large companies are adopting it Microsoft have allowed the use since 2013 for their gaming platform . Tesla of course and many other smaller companies are coming aboard and what about Switzer will your company ?. The talk from the older business gurus like Buffit and Munger hate it but then they also were very late to invest in companies they did not understand like Amazon . Looking at the initial beginnings of Bitcoin it has been the best investment for the last 10 years are we all to disregard . I would love your opinion and tell me truthfully how much have you got already ?
Geoff Mac

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What are your thoughts on the battery storage/electric vehicle market?

Hi Paul

I am wanting to get some exposure to the battery storage / electric vehicle market. I have been following a few stocks in this space and am thinking that an ETF might be best way to go. I have found one ETF called ACDC which aims to track the performance of the Solactive Battery Value-Chain Index which, as you probably know, consists of stocks of worldwide companies that are providers of certain electro-chemical energy storage technology (i.e., battery technology) and mining companies that produce metals that are primarily used for manufacturing batteries. What are your thoughts on this ETF or any other that you may be aware of.


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