REIT exposure and share issues

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Question: I have noted that Dexus (DXS) is part of your income portfolio. Do you recommend that long term as a yield stock? What are your thoughts about Westfield (WFD) as part of a yield portfolio in view of earnings in US dollars. I would prefer to have only one A-REIT stock in a portfolio of 20.

Answer (By Paul Rickard): Dexus (DXS) and Westfield (WFD) are very different beasts – the former a domestically focused commercial property trust – the latter, an internationally focused developer of retail shopping malls.

If income is the driver, I would stick with Dexus. If growth is the driver, I would go with Westfield.

I am not inclined to be overweight this sector (it has had a great run, but getting expensive) – so I would be fairly selective in how I approach it.

Question 2: What is the effect of share issues, such as the one by Challenger (CGF) in September? Is my simple-minded maths correct – does a 10% increase in the number of shares on issue translate back into a 10% decrease in share price and dividends? Correspondingly, does a share buy-back, such as the recent Telstra (TLS) buyback, improve the price and dividend? If so by how much?

Answer (By Paul Rickard): Yes a 10% increase in shares will generally translate to a 9% decrease in dividend, and depending on the issue price of the new shares, some decrease in the share price. I can’t tell you exactly because the company you have mentioned hasn’t undertaken this form of transaction.

The reverse is true of a buyback – dividends should increase and in theory, so should the share price.

Important: This content has been prepared without taking account of the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular individual. It does not constitute formal advice. Consider the appropriateness of the information in regards to your circumstances.

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