Will CSL repeat the share split to make them more marketable?

I bought 1,000 CSL many years ago at $22.00 and then they did a share split 1:1 (from memory around the $100 share price), which gave me 2,000 shares. Now that they are $330 each share, do you think they will be repeating the share split to make them more marketable at $165 per share ?

A: CSL did a 3 for 1 share split in 2007. I don’t think there has ever been a 2 for 1 share split.


I think it is a possibility, rather than a probability. CSL didn’t announce a split at their half year results briefing last week, so it is probably not on the company’s immediate agenda. Remember – share splits create absolutely no value – they are just book entries –  and because you can now buy 2 CSL shares to get on the register (minimum $500), and sell a single CSL share (no minimum lot size to sell), the argument to do a share split is not particularly strong.

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