What are your thoughts on RIO and AGL?

What are your thoughts at current prices ,buying RIO and, with the price for AGL is this a buy or wait and see if management can fix this Co.

A: Buy RIO if you want exposure to iron ore. If you don’t have any exposure through BHP/Rio/Fortescue, I would get some because these stocks are driving the market. If you are near market weight on these stocks, I would be inclined to hold back and let your profits run.

We are in a commodities super-cycle, but I have yet to meet any analyst/commentator/broker who can reliably forecast commodity prices. Iron ore has another challenge in that so much of the price increase is due to the production issues with the world’s largest producer, Brazilian miner Vale, is having.

With AGL, I wouldn’t be in a hurry to invest. Time is on your side. You don’t need to catch a falling knife. (See my article of 19 March: https://switzerreport.com.au/if-you-buy-agl-will-you-catch-a-falling-knife/  Prefer others.

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