Switzer Dividend Growth Fund

Thanks for your personal email to me.

I like that you are positive but your fund I bought into has had trouble holding it’s value in a high market so if the market has a correction what has your fund put in place to safe guard investors?


Lets Give a new PM support & a real hot crack at this new gig without all the negative media and shit we pile on people. Malcolm should have served out his term & not wasted our money with by-election.


I hope for all our sakes Bill Shorten stays out of the big chair he’s a freakin nightmare. 

A: Thanks for your comments regarding the new PM.


In regards to SWTZ (Switzer Dividend Growth Fund), it is by design a long only fund. So it will go up or down with the market.

Today, it is trading around $2.63. Investors paid $2.50 and have received 5 dividends.

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