Portfolio diversification

I have a SMSF with a portfolio which I have been modelling on your income portfolio, but it’s not as diversified as it should be. The financial section being 45%. There are three ETF’s – STW, VEU and AGF.

Recently I went to a financial adviser who wants to sell everything and buy better ETF’s with a high percentage overseas.

I have been reasonably confident that our market will go back up, but now not sure what to do.

The financial adviser will charge $2,000 to provide a plan. And as I’m a asset rich and cash poor pensioner I’m determined to ensure I do the right thing before spending any money.

A: Not sure how I can help.

I don’t follow in regard to the ETFs that were mentioned. What are the “better ETFs”?

I don’t disagree about potentially increasing the offshore weight, but would be wary about selling everything.

Maybe you should try another adviser.

If you want to expand on some of the points, happy to share some more thoughts.

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