Platinum Asset Management

Does PTM include international shares in its portfolio? I would like to invest in an ASX company that invests in international shares if possible as I have no weight in these.


A: Platinum Asset Management (ASX Code PTM) is a fund manager – not a unit fund investing offshore. It is exposed to fund flows (investors adding funds or redeeming units), and its skill as an investment manager (funds flow, plus performance fees). Although it benefits when international markets do well, its exposure to offshore markets is relatively minor.

Platinum has unit funds that you can invest in, or a listed investment company, Platinum Capital Ltd  (ASX Code PMC).

You might also like to consider Magellan Global Equities (ASX Code MGE), and/or the new Contango Global Growth Limited (a listed investment company that will IPO in June – offers open next week). I will be writing about the latter in the Switzer Super Report next Monday.



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