Managed Discretionary Account

1). What are your views on using a Managed Discretionary Account for super investments? My new financial advisor is recommending this and uses Findex for the MDA. As our Super investment results have been poor since 1999, my hope would be a greater diversity as stock picking by an Advisor has been bad for us to this point.

2). My wife and I are the only members of our SMSF and we will both be 65 by August this year. He is also recommending that in conjunction with the first question, we keep all funds in super but close the SMSF. He maintains that this would save accountant costs and provides an “anti detriment payment” benefit should one of us die.

A: Thanks for the question.

I am a little confused. You say that “stock picking by an advisor has been bad for us to this point”, yet under an MDA, won’t the Findex team be exercising discretion about your portfolio?

Which member firm is your new financial advisor part of?

On the second question, do you mean that you rollover your funds from your SMSF to a new fund? Which fund?


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