Magellan or Vanguard?

I am struggling to work out whether there is more gain in investing in a Magellan or Vanguard fund, or investing in the ASX, MFG, or VEU?

A: These are very different things.

MFG is a listed fund manager (Magellan). Magellan funds are active, international funds.

Vangard is an index (passive) fund manager, offering index funds and ETFs. VEU is a listed index fund, managed by vanguard, investing across the world (except Europe).

Questions to ask yourself:

a) do you want to invest offshore, or in a fund manager. If the former, exclude MFG;

b) do you want to invest in USA, Europe, the World? If the USA, exclude VEU

c) Do you want the funds to be passively managed, or actively managed?

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