Investment bonds

I am a self funded retiree and want to start an investment for my 2 grandchildren, ( one is 2 years old and the other 3 weeks ).

I am looking at an initial investment of $ 10,000 each and having the ability to add to that over time. My thoughts are along the line of managed fund , invested in growth assets , low fees, exposure to Australian and international shares and property ( diversified fund ).
I believe it would have to be in my name as trustee for grandchild, this is not an issue as I have no taxable income in my name.

The ability to add funds is important to me and I am not looking for breakneck returns, a secure, good returning fund is important. This investment would be for say 18 years.

Could you please indicate some matching funds I can further investigate that meet these criteria?

A: I have attached a couple of articles on this subject (both are up on the website).

I note that you said that ‘taxable income’ is not an issue for you, however, you may still find that investment (insurance) bonds are a more manageable option. Centuria is also an issuer of investment bonds.

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