Interest rates

Do you think official rates are going to head further down? On Friday, the RBA released its quarterly statement on monetary policy, which underlined the headwinds the economy is facing.

Do you agree with this? In what way will these ‘headwinds’ affect the economy?

There are economists like Harry Dent, James Rickards and Robert Kyosaki predicting a huge crash, bigger than the GFC around 2016/2017 in the US and also Australia. There was some talk of a GFC ‘type’ event prior to 2008. If this was a possibility, what are your thoughts on the impact here given we aren’t in as strong a position as then? Will real estate be hit, or mainly the stock market? I know no one has a crystal ball but the fundamentals are starting to emerge?

A: I don’t think the RBA is going to cut rates. I think they are on hold.

To be honest, I really don’t take any notice of Harry Dent et al.

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