BHP Billiton

My wife and I have BHP Billiton shares on our personal names and would like to transfer these to our SMSF as an off-market transfer. We understand this will trigger a capital gains/loss that has to be declared in our income returns.

Some shares were received as a bonus issue when BHP merged with Billiton back in 2001. Would you please let us know how we can get the value for the issue price? We have records of the correspondence during the merger and cannot find this information except to confirm that we have received 1.0651 additional bonus shares for every BHP share held.


A: Thanks for the question.

When you say “conservative”, what type of asset based fund are you referring to? Do you mean equity funds, fixed interest funds, property funds or some type of balanced fund that invests across asset classes?

If you are talking about equity funds, and want broad based exposure with reasonably low management fees, you may wish to refer to my article on listed investment companies and exchange traded funds. Please follow this link.

If I have misunderstood your question, please let me know.

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