$100k in blue chip shares

I have $100k of blue chips shares including Nab, Telstra, WOW, WES, WPL, MPL.

I have $30k gathering dust in the bank.

I plan to retire in 4 years.

Please advise your thoughts regarding some buying some other shares.

Thank you.

A: Thanks for the question.

Legally, it is very hard for me to answer the question because what you are seeking is personal advice and I am required to ascertain a whole lot more information from you about your investment objectives, financial l situation and particular needs etc.

That said, you can get an idea of what I think by looking at our model portfolio (income or growth)

High quality stocks with reasonable growth prospects come to mind, like CSL, Ramsay, Brambles, Boral, Seek or Transurban.

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