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Rolling over work Super into a SMSF

I am 61 years of age and fully retired. On the death of my father I inherited a share portfolio in 2014 and established an SMSF in the following year, principally to “house” some of the inherited portfolio. I am drawing a pension of 4% from the fund at the moment.

I have just rolled over my old work super with the intention of committing it to my SMSF. I have the cheque now made out to my SMSF, have made some costly mistakes taxation wise, and come away from meetings with my financial adviser seemingly knowing less than when I entered and generally more confused than ever. Can I deposit the rollover cheque directly into my fund? My intention is to use the proceeds to purchase shares.

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Telstra off-market share buyback

I intend participating in the Buy-Back Tender for shares purchased before 19 August 2016 (the Buy-Back Tender Record Date). In addition, I purchased some additional Telstra shares after the Buy-Back Tender Record Date which are not eligible for the buy back. I am also considering buying some additional Telstra shares and wonder what effect the buy- back itself is likely to have on the price of Telstra share following the tender closing date of 30 September 2016. Can you help on the likely effect?

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Investing in smaller companies

If, or when, the stock market(s) take a dive, should someone waiting for this event, holding a large percentage of cash, buy into the ASX 20/50 or buy smaller companies outside the top 50? That is, in light of the dismal return of most of the “blue chips” over the last few years, should we use the next decline to buy those companies with recent proven growth returns or just buy the usual suspects and wait for the market to return?

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Utilities in an SMSF

I have no utilities in my SMSF which is in pension mode. AGL is held in both your income and growth portfolios. It is around $19 per share but has a PE of around $29 – fairly high! Is there value in this stock at this point of time?

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Exchange-traded bonds

Howdy. I was reading this week about the suggestion of including exchange-traded bonds as a way of diversifying a portfolio. My understanding is that there are few providers of these at the moment – the only one I’m aware of is ACBC (Australian Corporate Bond Company). Do you have any views on these and their advantages and disadvantages?

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