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Aristocratic Leisure: keep or sell?

We have a big sum of Aristocratic Leisure shares in one of our Share Portfolios and our Broker recommends to sell. We want to hold onto these shares as we get good return.  Do you have any advice?

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Telstra buyback

Hi Paul,

I am still trying to get my head around the Telstra buy back that you have written in great detail. We have a SMSF in pension mode and after reading your report many times, am I correct in presuming that it is still only good if you have a capital gain that you can then write the loss off against if you had paid more than the buy back price? We only collect dividends in our fund so have no capital gains tax as we have not sold any shares. Thank you.

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Mining stocks coming to life

It looks like the mining sector has started an uptrend with lots of little mining stocks suddenly coming to life. For this reason I decided to buy the companies that service these stocks, ie WOR, MND and ASL. I was up $12,000 on MND when it tanked and I am up significantly on ASL. WOR is probably past praying for, so I got out of it for a small profit. However, I haven’t given up on MND. What are your views on ASL and MND?

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Your opinion on AHG

Hi Paul,
I have a small holding of AHG in my SMSF (in pension mode) and am not really a high risk taker, but I do like this growth stock. I was wondering your opinion about adding to the holding via the share purchase plan, and your opinion on the stock?

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