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Telstra Buyback

Hi Paul,

Regarding the Telstra Buyback – I am reviewing yout report on this buyback and looking at example 3, 14% discount, assumes cost base of $7.40. Can you please explain how the figure $2.55 is derived for the Sale Price for CGT purposes? I can’t work it out

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Super non-concessional limits

Given the Government flip-flopping on the Super non-concessional limits, I pose the following quandary:

I have recently retired (February), turned 65 in the middle of July and was due to make a $540K non-concessional contribution between the 1st of July 2016 and my birthday. With the proposed changes to the rules, I was only able to make a small contribution that took my total non-concessional amount to $500K “back dated” to 2007. These changes also go back to the old rule of not being able to contribute after 65 unless you pass the work test.

Now it appears that the “rules” have changed back to the “old” format until July 2017 when the $100K per year limits will come into play. Where does the fairness of this fit given that my plans were in place at least 3 years ago? (or was I born on the wrong day?)

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