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The best buy in healthcare

I own 726 shares in Primary Health Care (PRY). I was thinking of selling these shares and buying Sonic Healthcare (SHL) shares. What do you think of this proposal?

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A couple in a SMSF

Hi Paul,
It was previously suggested that a couple in a SMSF should have a combined limit of $3.2M not individual limits of $1.6M. Where one partner has a balance over $1.6M and the extra over that figure will have to be in an accumulation account paying 15% tax from July 17, is their any way for over 65’s fully retired being able to transfer that accumulation balance to the partner to bring their balance up to the $1.6M limit? Thank you.

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Fixed income ETF’s

What domestic fixed income ETF’s would you recommend and is now the right time to be looking at bond type investments?

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Your first loss is your best loss

One of my more brilliant ideas was the purchase of SMX a couple of years ago. Since that happy day they have headed south in a big way. Pull my head out of the sand or hold on like grim death for possible resurgence?

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Hedge strategies for investors

I am sure this issue is, or should be, on the minds of many of Switzer readers.

With the possibility of Donald Trump becoming President now seemingly a real probability what hedge strategies should investors be enacting (now).

I am in pension mode and eighty percent invested in equities. My thinking is to reduce down to forty percent and wait and see.

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