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Pension funds and SMSFs

My husband aged 62 and I (aged 58) both have TTRP and I cannot see the benefit of keeping them now. We both still work, and whilst I have the option to retire, I see no benefit now until I can withdraw a pension tax free when I’m 60. We both salary sacrifice to the max and don’t require the income from the pension. I have been ‘recycling’ both pensions as non-concessional contributions to decrease tax paid by beneficiaries of our estate. I became eligible for a defined benefits pension prior to age 55 because of a major health condition, which was unexpectedly cured, but that pension continued. When I got well again, I began part time work in a different field. Now my SMSF and QSuper balances would be in excess of $1.6 million. I will seek professional advice but want to be clear on a few things before my appointment.

  1. If I cancel our pensions in SMSF to revert to Accumulation- will the taxed and non-taxed components be decided when we begin pensions in the future?
  2. Am I correct in thinking I can withdraw $180000 – untaxed – from one of my super funds, which I could contribute to my husband’s Super to balance our amounts?
  3. Also we have a property which has not recovered its price since the GFC downfall, so we want to keep its actual cost base and not take up the option to redistribute capital bases.
  4. I’m already over $1.6m and see no benefit for me to have a pension until I’m 60. Am I correct in thinking that if I delay setting up the pension until 2018 the amount allowed in pension phase could actually be a little in excess of $1.6m anyway? And my husband wouldn’t be locked into that figure either even though his balance is not that high?
  5. Simply if we don’t need the pension income is there any advantage at all to continuing TTRP.

Thank you for your advice.

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IVC and TGR – retain or sell?

I ask your opinion on two stocks which I have held for quite some time, namely IVC and TGR. I had purchased hoping for a reasonable dividend and some capital growth. Your thoughts on retention or sale and investing elsewhere.

Thank you.


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ASX 200 ETF products and dividend yields

Is there any difference in the dividend yield between the ASX 200 ETF products on the ASX?

Also, is there any risk to your capital with these ETF products if the fund that holds them gets into financial difficulty?


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Santos capital raising

Is it worth going in to the STO (Santos) capital raising. I have a few weeks to decide. There seems to be those who say go for it and other commentators not so sure. We can get up to $15K but I already have a book loss of the ones I currently own. Your thoughts?


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A portfolio approach to investing

We have a SMSF and have not done fantastically out of share investing, which is why we joined the Switzer Super Report, after following Peter for a while on his Foxtel business show.

We have now accumulated $200,000 cash to invest and need good dividend paying companies, as we are both over 65 and retired.

I note your preference in the banks for CBA, of which we have 1200, and many more NAB. We would so appreciate your thoughts.

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