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Income Outside the Sharemarket


As I am a soon to be a retired SMSF owner who will be living off interest on investments, could you please address this issue – particularly bank term deposit interest (approx 2.69%)?

Could you also discuss income from shares especially in the light of the TLS dividend reduction and the threat to CBA dividends going forward, and also the losses incurred recently in these two shares and how much they could potentially drop further?

What other avenues are open to retirees to prop up dwindling fixed incomes?

Many Thanks


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Tracking Down Forgotten Shares

I have moved stockbrokers a number of times- 4 in total. Some of these brokers have now left the industry and their business has closed.

Is there an easy way for me to track down potential shares I forgot I own?

If I have my SRN / HIN can I use this without knowing the exact company I invested/or stockbroker invested in? Going to the share registries they always ask for a HIN and not a name and a specific company.

Many thanks

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Any Upside to Healthscope?

As of March this year I bought 4100 shares in Healthscope at 2.23 per share. The price has since dropped to 1.75 per share. After listening to your most recent webinar there doesn’t seem to be much upside or confidence that things will improve anytime soon.

Looking at this stock in the long term, is there any upside?


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Super Balance for Pension Assets Test

I’m trying to find out how a super balance is used in assets test for a pension. We have a combined $275,000 in super not self managed. Is it the balance of the super, or the income the super makes (or both) used to see if you qualify for a pension?




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Can you tell me if you have reported on URB (city renewal).

Can you explain why the share price has dropped 10% since listing? I thought that being backed by Soul Pattinson it would be a reliable investment but I have been disappointed by the large fall off, especially the 5% drop after reporting in July. I don’t know whether to cut my losses yet again and get out.


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