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With all the action on the Bitcoin front and now the hype about Blockchain, are you able to provide any insight and investment ideas of Blockchain? If this is as big as some are saying do you believe it would be worth getting involved now from an investment perspective?



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What Influences the Bank Bill Swap Rate?

Hi Paul,

I have some capital notes (CBAPE) and was wondering what influences the BBSW?

If RBA increase interest rates, does the BBSW increase by a similar amount? If not then I imagine the value of the capital notes would decrease as interest rates increase so would contemplate selling prior to any interest rate hike.


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Why Don’t LICs Reflect the Value of Their Holdings?

I have been following you guys and have a few other LIC, was wondering if anyone could possibly answer why LIC don’t reflect the value of there holdings. It does appear it’s all smoke and mirrors (don’t mean that in a rude way) – everyone talks about return, however the only real return are dividends paid and growth in share price?


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Concerns over ETFs and Rising Market

Hi Paul, I’m considering investing in some domestic and OS ETFs shortly. My concern is we are in a rising market currently.

Does this make ETFs expensive like it does shares? In other words, can ETFs be bought at any time regardless of what the broader market is doing?



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Whats Happens to ETFs If We Have a Crash?

Hi Paul,

ETFs seem to be very popular at the moment for personal investors & SMSFs.

My question is what happens if we have a crash? Looking at the ETFs on the Aust market, there are only a few buyers & seller. So if everyone is trying to sell, will I be able to get my money out?


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