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Reviewing SMSF Portfolios

I have a SMSF (corporate structure) my wife and I are the trustees. The fund was set up and is audited annually by esuper which I have found to be a great organisation. The fund has a substantial share portfolio of about $1.8m, corporate bonds and cash. If my wife outlives me I am sure she can carry on running the fund with the exception of the share portfolio.

Are there any organisations who could say review the portfolio annually and advise if an SPP or Rights Offer occurred during the year?


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Alternatives to fixed term cash deposits

Can you suggest any “relatively” safe alternatives to fixed term cash for our SMSF fund which we keep out of shares in term deposits as “ballast” in case the markets crash or substantially correct. The interest rates currently on offer mean that our money is losing value by having it cash but with a pretty large share portfolio already we are reluctant to keep piling into overheated markets.

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Performance of the Aussie market

Just wondering what you think needs to happen to kick the ASX along. You listen in the morning the DOW has had a big night, the futures say up nothing happens. The DOW has a poor night and the ASX follows. Seems lately it only takes its lead when there has been a fall.

As Peter says plenty of good news but nothing seems to excite unless its negative.

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Although I am a new chum at investing I know the general mechanics of insider trading but… Is it possible to advise me of a way I can deduce if there is any insider trading on any particular company’s shares?

If see quite often small numbers of shares traded in any particular company. Say up to 20 shares. Surely the charges negate any possibility of profit on these trades. Can you explain why so many of these small trades take place?

I enjoy your reports.

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