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Will Invocare Recover?


I bought Invocare (IVC) at $17and it has been smashed this week. Are you able to shed some light on why? Do you think it will recover?


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Unlisted Property Trusts

Good Morning,

I enjoyed your article “A yield of 7.0% on commercial property”. I am thinking of investing some funds as an alternative to fixed deposit.

From your experience with unlisted property trusts, how secure are they? Is it easy to redeem the units if one invest $300,000 say after 6 months?



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Calculating Capital Gains

What is the price I should use to calculate capital gains if I were to sell Domain Holdings? I received shares as part the split from Fairfax.


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Ooh! Media and APN Outdoor – Buy, Hold or Sell?

Just over a year you published an article in the Switzer report where Charlie Aitken recommended outdoor advertising stocks that he felt had a lot of potential: Ooh! Media and APN Outdoor. Not long after this article was published, the two companies announced a merger, and you published another article highly recommending these shares. In the meantime, the prices of both had risen. The merger was subsequently not approved by the ACCC and the share prices fell. Since then the shares of both stocks have not moved much, although Ooh! Media is now just above my buy-in price, but APN is nowhere near it. Also, since then you The Switzer Report has not mentioned either company in any of your articles.

My question is: what is your view on these shares now? Would you be a buyer/holder or seller now?


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Impact of Growing Debt on Share Market

Given the personal debt, business debt and government debt, what is the long term impact of such a growing debt on our optimism regarding the share market?

In other words, given the size of the Australian economy (GDP), is this debt 150% to 200% of GDP, sustainable?

When there is  downturn, will Australia be more severely impacted because of this relatively high debt level compared to other countries?





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Impact of Growing Debt on Share market

Given the personal debt, business debt and government debt, what is the long term impact of such a growing debt on our optimism regarding the share market?

In other words, given the size of the Australian economy (GDP), is this debt 150% to 200% of GDP, sustainable?

When there is  downturn, will Australia be more severely impacted because of this relatively high debt level compared to other countries?



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