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Ranking the Big 4 Banks

If I have $50K to invest where should I focus my investment on? I am attracted to the yields of the banks and Telstra.

What is your opinion on the banks and the likely share price trend especially with the upcoming Royal Commission? How would you rank the big four?


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Westpac Capital Raising

Why is Westpac trying to raise more capital through their Capital Note No 5 issue?

My understanding was that all banks had raised sufficient capital to cover APRA requirements. Is there a takeover restructure in play?

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Should I sell SYD and TCL?

My SMSF is in pension mode, invested in equities apart from a small amount of cash. My primary aim is income with some capital growth to keep up with inflation. I hold SYD and TCL in my portfolio and wonder if I should be considering selling as what I am hearing is that these “bond like” shares will not perform well in the near future. I have a 24% gain on SYD and 14% on TCL.

Thank you


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Offsetting the Capital Gains Tax

My wife and I have a discretionary family Trust and an SMSF, and this financial year (2017-2018) we have sold an investment property held under the trust and will probably have about a $20K Capital Gains Tax to pay.

Is there any way to contribute to our SMSF to offset the CGT, and if so how much would we have to contribute to offset the $20K CGT liability?

NB. Our work income for last year is less than $15K each and we are 59 and 63 years of age and our SMSF is still in the accumulation stage as we are living off savings currently.



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