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CSL – Sell?

To sell or not to sell.. that is the question. 90% of my wife’s personal share investment comprises CSL shares.

We are likely to sell a jointly owned investment property in the TY 2018/19, thus CGT will be due on that sale. My thoughts are to sell in this FY approx 200 CSL shares (still leaving a significant number), pay the CGT due, and re-contribute the funds to repurchase CSL within the SMSF of which my wife is both a member and a trustee.

Can you see any downside to this strategy?


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Security of Investing in Managed Funds

My question relates to the security of investing in managed funds. With a direct investment in equities one can rely on the regulatory regime imposed by the ASX, but I am not sure that there is a similar regulatory regime in place for managed funds. Indeed it seems that in some situations an investor may be handing over a large sum of money without necessarily knowing where it has been invested. Obviously there is risk attached to any investment and I accept that, but I would like to be sure that there is not also a risk of fraud.


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HVST – Sell or Hold?

I have bought some HVST for $21. So far the capital loss is much greater than the dividend and is showing no sign of recovery.

What should I do? Sell or hold?


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