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Transferring SMSF to Industry Funds

My wife and I are trustees of a SMSF and approaching 80. She is in pension phase, I am in accumulation phase. We need to plan to wind up the SMSF and transfer to Industry funds which will only accept a cheque with a Rollover Benefit Statement (RBS). I am told an interim set of accounts is needed (not cheap) to produce a RBS. With the prospect of market volatility, I would like to transfer in at least 2 cash parcels to minimise market risk. I have my annual accounts completed by 30/8 each year and have only one stock that has a dividend payment before 30/8.

Against this background I would hope that the following approach would work and my question is will it:

1. As soon as 2018 accounts are done (by 30/8/18) use end of year figures for the RBS to transfer my wife’s funds to her industry fund.
2. As soon as 2019 accounts done , use end of year figures for the RBS to transfer my funds to my industry fund. If the 2019 accounts show there is a small amount left belonging to my wife, transfer it to her industry fund.
3. Close the SMSF.

In short, I am trying to minimise the cost and work involved in preparing interim sets of accounts, the time between getting an RBS, selling shares, and acceptance by the industry fund, and need for extra actuarial certificates.


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REIT’s Trading near NTA Value

Charlie recently wrote about the dangers to equities from rising local bond yields. Alongside SYD and TCL he mentioned REITs as a bond-like equity which might be at risk.

My question relates to those REITs which are currently trading at near their NTA value. In the absence of rising bond yields also driving a devaluation of commercial property, would the underlying value of their assets be a protective factor for any REITs trading at around their underlying value? Would this mitigate their fall compared to an enterprise like TCL or SYD?


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Strategies for Selling Shares

Just a tax question. If I buy shares of a company at two different time frame, and then later when I sell half (or any portion) of my shares of the same company, how do I know which shares I have sold for tax purpose? I am considering to take advantage of 1 year holding period rule.



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