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WCM Quality Global Growth Fund

Hi Paul

With reference to the WCM Quality Global Growth Fund that was covered by James Dunn in the latest Switzer report. I am interested in buying shares in the fund when they become available, however why is the application price $5.00 a unit as opposed to WAM Global application unit price of $2.20 when first listed? I would be interested in receiving your comments, thank you.

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45 Day Holding rule

Hi, My question is about the 45 day holding rule.


Day 1 …………I buy 1,000 shares in XYZ company
Day 250 ……..XYZ go Ex-Dividend.
Day 255………I sell my holding in XYZ.

Am I still able to claim the tax credit having held the shares more than 45 days prior to going Ex-Dividend ?



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Ramsay Health Care

Some issues not discussed in Tony’s article on RHC include: (1) Public hospitals canvassing for and accepting private patients in competition to private hospitals. They are not meant to do that but need the money and no one has stopped them. (2) The ever escalating cost of PHI has made it un- affordable to a large segment of the population. Difficult to see this trend being reversed. Do these issues not affect your view?

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Buying BKW not SOL?

As per Comsec, SOL owns 42 % of BKW. As at 2017 / 07 BKW market cap is 1.9 B.
BKW owns 42 % of SOL. SOL market cap as at 2017 / 07 is 4.2 B.
Based on the above, BKW is highly under valued and a good buying opportunity.
Is that a right conclusion ?
Is it right to say that we should buy BKW and not SOL ?

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