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I read Charlie’s note on APT as a SELL. I do respect his opinion as almost a gospel truth and have followed his FMG success story. But from memory he also commented on CYB and now APT.
It us unsure what sort of holding Charlie asks us to hold or sell within ? APT has exponentially shot and gone up even after his comments to SELL. Do you still maintain a sell ? What price do you reckon the sale will be ? People who might have listened to your SELL call, have made loss (opportunity) compare who did not and made extra profit. Always good to see your comments /recommendations (not advise) with a chart and some more quantitative figures.

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Australian stocks

This question is for Charlie Aitken.

The Aitken Investment fund has a high conviction on Kidman Resources which the share price of late has pulled back considerably. I expect this is partly due to a drop in lithium prices.
What are Charlies thoughts on this?
Thank you to you both.


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Proposed Labor governments franking credits

Hi Paul,

I have seen several Q&A with reference to the proposed Labor governments franking credits affecting many retirees especially those with smsf and in pension mode. What are thoughts on how such retirees can consider and plan ahead for such an event should Labour be ejected which is likely at this stage. Closer to the ejection, I would expect FF shares may be sold off for other options, hence maybe taking some action prior could help capital loses.
Thank you


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stock graphs

To Charlie Aitkin. Re China On Sale. I agree with your long term China Bull outlook. It’s also true that the 1 yr graph has Tencent, Travelsky and Ping An at a reasonable discount. However 5yr and 10 yr graphs suggest reversion to the mean will result in 20% + losses for medium term buyers. Further Alibaba sits in the very toppy Nasdaq which can only go down in the medium term notwithstanding an acceptable individual stock 5yr graph. Why will reversion to the long term mean not happen this time for the top 4.

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Hello, will Charlie change his opinion about APT after today’s announcement?

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Orora Stocks

To Rudi,
Usually enjoy your section, however was annoyed by last weeks report about Orora. You mentioned that you had not included a downgrade because of the lateness of receiving it. You then mentioned that it had been \’updated\’. I found this confusing. Furthermore, you have not included it in this weeks comments? What is your current view on Orora?

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