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Considering shares for SMSF

I am considering the purchase of shares in IVE Group (IGL) for our SMSF.
Charlie Aitkin reviewed the stock in March 2017 and felt that they were a good buy at approx $2.36.
They are currently priced around $2.26 and based on forecast dividends the yield is very attractive.
I am wondering whether Charlie’s view of IGL has varied.

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Investment Advice

I am holding 25,500 units in Resolution Global Prop Sec Fund-Hedged Series II and 14,500 units in Eley Grif Grp Small Companies Fund, both purchased 2006. Have experience big falls (GFC) & now since 2016 moderate Cap gains. I am considering quitting these. Could I have your thoughts please.

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Dear Paul,

I have Kogan on my Commsec Watchlist and noted a 10% fall today (25/07/18).

Are you aware of the reason, as I would like to get into this game !


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Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)

I have been told that I can transfer my residential property into my self managed superfund by a super consultant. I believe this to be incorrect as from mall that I have read in switzer over the years. I know it is possible with Commercial property but just want to clarify that you cannot transfer residential rental property currently held in your own name to your self-managed fund.

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Iron Mountain

I have a small holding of Iron Mountain shares held in my SMSF. I have just had notification that the shares are to be de-listed on the ASX and converted to Common Shares on the NYSE. Should I consider selling the shares prior to the de-listing (making a small profit on today’s price) or hang on and convert to NYSE? I believe there will be some tax implications on owning US shares directly.

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SF1 – spookfish
What is your comment/recommendation on this one ? It is competing with NEA on a minuscule basis with a difference that NEA is going north and SFI going south.
Could this small player hold the possibility of a takeover by NEA or similar ?
Or, is it a late comer on a saturated market ?

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