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Switzer Dividend Growth Fund

Thanks for your personal email to me.

I like that you are positive but your fund I bought into has had trouble holding it’s value in a high market so if the market has a correction what has your fund put in place to safe guard investors?


Lets Give a new PM support & a real hot crack at this new gig without all the negative media and shit we pile on people. Malcolm should have served out his term & not wasted our money with by-election.


I hope for all our sakes Bill Shorten stays out of the big chair he’s a freakin nightmare. 

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Platinum Asset Management

I am a platinum asset management shareholder, seeking your thoughts on whether it is a good buying opportunity and your general opinion, thanks.

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Gold prices

I was reading in another journal that the gold prices are about to boom in price and that particular company was urging clients to buy big on the gold market. What is your view on this trend?

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Creso Pharma

Good evening, we hold shares in Creso Pharma and have been offered to by a option to by a rights issue at the value of .05 each and exercised at a price of .80 in 2 years. I do not fully understand how a this works, can you please explain. Regards, Marina & Michael

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