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I am looking to invest in the ETF HACK.
I notice that over the last 9 months the amount of shares on issue have increased from 10MM to 18 MM.
Surely this must be diluting the share price and the dividends.
Can you give me your thoughts please.

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I would like your thoughts on WAM, it is trading around $2.35 at the moment.
It is not normally a stock that drifts around too much especially around divided time and especially downwards.
I am a long term holder of WAM, and would appreciate your thoughts.

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RIO and BHP buy backs

Will the benefits of the RIO and BHP buy backs be impacted if Labor gets its proposed abolishing of claiming franking credits through parliament before 30 June 2019?

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Advisor fee’s

I would be interested to know what sort of fees I should be expecting to pay my “Wealth Advisor” , and what sort of services are usually provided for the fee. I pay a % of the total SMSF assets, which is currently 0.4% on assets of 2.5million. I negotiated that figure but have no idea where it fits into the ball park of fees.

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For the SWTZ etf, do the distributions have franking credits attached, or are all distributions paid out in full and shareholders pay their own tax.
Thank you


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SMSF advice

I’m about 2 years out from retirement (even though I may continue on a 2 or 3 day a week basis).
I recently read that, at my age, (69) my SMSF “really shouldn’t be in equities”.
If that is the case, what are the alternatives to equities for an SMSF-er of my age?
I am currently 55% cash, having brought that up from 30% over last few months.

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