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BHP buy back

My SMSF is in pension mode. I have 2 queries. Firstly, my average holding price for BHP shares is $31.50, rather than the $15.00 which you quote in your example. Is the buy-back still as attractive ?
Secondly, is the offer still attractive if there is a big ASX-200 rout over the next few weeks, implying a much lower BHP price ?

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Spouse contributions to partners Super fund account

I am 66, retired and drawing a pension from my SMSF. My wife turned 60 in March and retired in June. She also draws a pension from the Super Fund, as well she has some income from a rental property. Can we still make Super Co Contributions and or Spouse Contributions to my wife”s Super Account ?

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BHP buy back offer

In regards to the BHP buy back offer – you mention a special dividend payable in January 2019. Our assumption is this divided is to be paid to shareholdings left after the Buy Back offer has been completed. We are in Pension mode in our SMSF and if we participate in the buy back would top up our BHP to the level of the old holding.

How would the special dividend effect the purchase price of the BHP shares? Our expectation is it will increase and negate the advantages of participating in the buyback.
Is our assumption correct, and would we be better off to just retain our current holding and accept the special dividend?

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Holding or adding to stocks

What is the turn around that you aspire too when it comes to ??

I have all these stocks A2M , CGF , QBE , PDL , PTM Of these I hold about 3% of my portfolio each stock , do you think any is worth holding or adding too ? my previous question related to only 2 stocks I think .

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Stamp duty

In the example given for Rob selling his factory to his super fund & not changing the title details to save on stamp duty.
I thought that stamp duty would have to be paid in this instance because beneficial ownership had changed even though the title details do not have to be changed.
Please advise.

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Short selling

Why is it that 2 recent “Engineering” companies have got it so wrong. When RCR Tomlinson announced a $50m provision, my builder friend said that he could build 100 luxury apartments for that amount.
Where is the accountability down the line with cost accountants, quantity surveyors, soil testing etc etc.
It seems that we are deficient in expertise and are under-quoting to get the business. The sector is too high a risk.

On another matter, short selling should be banned as ordinary shareholders are left in the dark. I have decided not to deal with any party that is involved. Suppliers of shares should also be named.

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