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Thoughts on CIE – hold or sell?

1. With the past 18 to 24 months after reviewing positive assessments, our SMSF bought progressively into Contango (CIE) at an average of $0.951. We now hold 81,000 CIE currently priced around $0.75. Would you suggest holding or selling some or all of CIE.

2. In the present market situation how would you compare CIE with Magellan Finance (MFG) and WAM Research (WAX) each of which we also hold — and may be affected by a Labor government’s approach to franking credits. Should we reduce holdings in CIE, now or progressively when it strengthens, and buy more of either MFG or WAX.?

3. Grateful to have your advice.

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Will Labors Policy change affect my SMSF

With the federal election looming ever closer and the strong probability of Labor wining, my question is.
I have a SMSF all in pension phase, No concessional contributions. What are you thoughts ?

Could one commute part of ones pension back to accumulation phase, so as to use the franking credits that would be other wise lost to labor’s policy change. If one was currently receiving around $5000 to $10000 in franking credits, how much would you have to roll back?
If this was about say $60000 would it be worth while? Noting that as I understand it that you would then have to get and pay for a Actuarial certificate each year.
I don’t really want the hassle of winding up my fund and moving elsewhere at this point in time.
Your thoughts please.

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YMAX Yield Maximiser Fund

I’d like to ask about YMAX Yield Maximiser Fund from Beta shares. I’m looking at way’s to try and increase the yield on my super fund.

What are your thoughts please?

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CCP and CGF portfolio advice

I am holding a small amount of both CCP and CGF. It is about 3 % of my portfolio combined, and I am happy holding for the long term but both are down on when I bought them, I was thinking to average out and buy a few more, take it say to 5% of portfolio…..any thoughts ?

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