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stock advice during market fall due to COVID19

Since your report on WBC shares (Aug 2019), in light of the current market fall (pandemic CoVID19 virus), could you share your views re:
(1) Recommendation on Buy or wait till further fall, assuming that WBC is the only Aussie bank stock that I will have, amongst other non-bank stocks.
(2) The likely WBC dividend payments (next 3 years)?
(3) Should I consider the other three major banks instead for possible buy (ANZ, CBA or NAB) and your rankings?
(4) I have SWTZ shares. Will SWTZ be buying more WBC shares or await?

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What are your top listed Managed Funds?

Having read Charlie Aitken’s article regarding overseas investing, I am very interested in which listed Managed Funds would be recommended.
I understand what Hedged and Non Hedged is but am not sure which funds fit into these categories.

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