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Can you please explain the short sales report?

As a general dogsbody, I wonder if you could just explain the shorted position table published in the Saturday report a little more.

For example, what is the weekly percentage – percentage of what?

And is a +ve or -ve weekly change number a sign of the shorted stocks with the potential price to come down?


Not being overly knowledgeable on the art of shorting stocks, these few clarifications will help clear up information delivered within the table in the Saturday report

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What is your opinion of Origin Energy & Class (CL1)?

What does Origin Energy mean by “recognize non cash charges in FY 2020”. This is in their latest report to shareholders 15/7/20.
Would also like your opinion of Class (CL1), it is struggling to get ahead, 1 step up, 2 steps back and far from it’s all time high.

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Wanting to invest a large sum of money, what is the best approach?

I am a 60 year old male and would like to invest ~$1M into the share market.  I missed taking advantage of the dip in the markets during the month of March/April 2020 as the funds were not available.  They are now available to invest and my wife and I need income producing stocks, as we will need to utilise income from the $1M for day to day living expenses.  We are hoping for another dip in the market soon so we can get into some good blue chip income producing shares that had capital upside and also will provide a steady income via dividends.

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Infigen Energy (IFN) – Will they provide a better offer?

Infigen Energy (IFN) is currently a takeover target with IFN’s board recently recommending shareholders accept Iberdrola’s latest offer of $0.895 / share. Closing Date of the offer is 30th July. This morning, Mon. 6th July, IFN quoted on-market at $0.920 – $0.925. Does this suggest market believes there may be a further offer? What advice would you offer shareholders?

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Telstra, should I hold or sell?

I am a long suffering Telstra share holder. The shares crashed under the Labor government and GFC, They then climbed back into the $5.50 range and as the NBN has come on line the shares have sunk back to the $3 to $4 range with a corresponding drop in the dividend. Should I take my $15K loss and move on or hang on?

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