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What are your top recommended REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust)?

Like a lot of SMSF Investors, I have been hard hit by relying too much on the Banks & Telstra for their Dividends, as income generators for living in retirement. As a result I am looking to rotate into investments that provide less dividend income but greater security and continuity of such dividend income. One such area of interest for my future investment activity (research and trades) is Australian Property (REITS). Based on your in-depth professional knowledge of the Australian Sharemarket, I was wondering, if it is appropriate, that you would consider suggesting 6 to 8 names of REITS, so that I may conduct further research and make my own decision as to whether or not, invest in a number of such REITS. My objective is to achieve a reasonable, secure and continuing Dividend Income ( range 4.5% to 6%) from solid investments in the REIT sector.

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Top recommended gold stocks?

I have been wanting to buy a gold miner for quite some time, but have never taken the plunge. I have a Gold (PMGold) ETF.
Do you think the boat has set sail? If not, do you have a favoured miner? I am looking for growth and dividend.

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I am looking to diversify my share portfolio which is currently dominated by Australian shares, what international shares & technology stocks would you recommend?

I am 64 and looking to diversify my share portfolio, (which is currently dominated by quality Australian shares other than 5% of my portfolio in Berkshire Hathaway B shares) to include a greater allocation of international shares and technology stocks. I did have a holding in MHH but sold out. I am however concerned about the strength of the tech sector this year. What are your thoughts about the ETF’s IVV and NDQ, given the strength of the AUD now would you not hedge?

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What are your thoughts on the Sydney Airport Entitlement offer? Is it worthwhile?

What are your thoughts on investing in the current Sydney Airport Entitlement offer? Is it worthwhile?
Alternatively if we sell our entitlements on the ASX under this current offer, how do you expect the capital gains to be treated on these entitlements sold? I assume the cost base of these entitlements are zero dollars, so we would pay tax on the full sale price, do you agree ?

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