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The highest dividend yielding companies

Liking your information and reading. Can you tell me what are the highest franking dividend paying companies and also ones that have unused dividends/credits please should I want to invest? Thank you.

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What is your opinion on US fund WCMQ?

As I understand, Peter Switzer recommends this US fund – WCMQ. If WCMQ invests in quality companies around the world, do they still earn and report in US$’s? Does this mean that a falling US dollar will have a negative impact on WCMQ share price/profits? Is WCMQ immured from a falling US dollar in the companies that it invests in that are outside US.

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What are your thoughts on Phoslock Environmental Technologies (PET)?

What are Peter’s thoughts on Phoslock Environmental Technologies (PET)? I am a share holder of them and they have been in a trading halt since September. They are in a mountain of trouble in China which I’m sure Peter would know about. Moving forward, what should I do when they address their internal problems and come back on the ASX market?

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I am looking to invest for ongoing income, Can you explain the ‘covered call’ strategy?

I have a term deposit coming due and am looking to invest for ongoing income. I note Betashares ETFs EINC and YMAX appear to offer good franked yields. The notes advise that EINC invests in an actively managed portfolio of income-oriented Australian shares, but does not use derivatives. By contrast YMAX seeks to enhance dividend income through a ‘covered call’ strategy. Can you explain the ‘covered call’ strategy and comment on the risk profile of this.

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