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Withdraw and re-contribution

Hi Tony,

I am 60 years old and my husband is 63. Last year (before June 30, 2013), we each put $150K into the non taxable component. Can we withdraw and re-contribute $450K each from our taxable component to non taxable component, or is it limited to only $300K each this year?

What are the conditions required to do this “withdraw and re-contribution”?

We made one large non-concessional contribution many years back. When the ATO first allowed to put $1m, we each put $500k in non-concessional contributions.

We are semi-retired.

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What are your thoughts on Leighton?

Leighton took a bit of a hit while the other shares were going back. What do you think this was and do you and your experts still think it is a good share? I noted the new deal they picked up in your news section last week as positive but the share went down?

Regarding the healthcare sector, CSL and others have done amazing things for the world and us and I think we all don’t appreciate it as much as we should. In the US they downright sabotage and scaremonger about CSL and to break in there is trouble. It should be that the pen is mightier than the sword. So I think that Cochlear is not the only company that has changed the world re Roger Montgomery’s article.

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Medusa Mining

Medusa mining gold in Philippines. Had a strong buy from Morningstar a few weeks back , seems to have steady gold base at good extraction ratio. The share has nose dived. I bought it as a gold play for the super fund and it pays a reasonable dividend for this sort of stock. Should I bail out and go back to blue chips?


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Clearance rates explained


I don’t quite understand the numbers, eg 13 of 95 listed = 32.5%. What does ‘Number Listed’ mean? And what happened to the balance missing from the final ‘Numer Reported Auctions’?



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What would you do?

I am a retired electrician running my own SMSF. I subscribed to the Switzer Super Report for a bit of guidence.

I have the following shares at present:

ACR      AMM      ANZ
AZJ      ALL         ORG
SUN      TEN        WPL

Are there any of these you would off load?

I am looking to invest around another $250,000 to $350,000 into stocks before the end of the year. Can you tell me which 6 stocks from Switzers growth and yield portfolios you would recomend, and maybe a few not on the lists? Iwill be holding these stocks for long term. I would also be interested in a couple of emerging market shares.

Also, I get a little confused when in same newsletter Charlie Aitken says Qantas could double in next couple of years and Rudi Filapek-Vandyck’s What the brokers say has Qantas downgraded. Could you explain the background to these opposite recommendations as I find it confusing.

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