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Can you please explain ETFs and comment on WAM Strategic Value Limited LIC?

For ETFs, what happens to the dividends and franking they would receive as owners of a share?  Do they make a distribution to the owners of an ETF, and if so owners at what time relative to the ex-date of the shares the ETF owns?

Also, I note that Wilson asset Management is proposing to set up a Lick of LICs, to follow Geoff Wilson’s long espoused philosophy of selling LICs that are trading at a premium to NTA.  Comments?


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Can you please suggest some good research sources which rank funds/LIC’s/ETF’s and what is best to look for when researching?

I enjoy your value-added report and webinars. I’m a shareholder in SHYF.
I have a SMSF with approximately 47 stocks and some LIC’s and funds for small/micro cap, long/short and international eg Ausbil Microcap, Bennelong Market Neutral Fund, Evans and Partners International Fund, MGF, MHH, ACQ, PAI, and WQG.
I have read enough of your ‘wise information’ to realise I have too many stocks which make it difficult to manage, particularly not knowing when to sell! I am 62 and am conscious of pending retirement/wealth preservation.
I would therefore like to simplify it more by liquidating some positions and put in it into LIC’s.
However, there is a plethora of LIC’s out there.
I also like to invest in a thematic ie EV and have holdings in MIN, ORE, SFR, WSA.
I would appreciate your feedback (and if possible providing some names) on:
1. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s in EV theme
2. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s cyber security theme
3. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s in domestic market
4. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s focused on income
5. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s focused on growth
Is there also a good research website which ranks funds/LIC’s/ETF’s and what is best to look for when researching?

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What are your thoughts on MGG/MGF and MGFO?

I would like to seek your thoughts on MGG/MGF and MGFO.

Feb 2020: Magellan Global Trust (MGG) was trading at around $2. Since inception (2017) to 30 June 2020, its return was 11.39% p.a. and NAV $1.834.
In Dec 2020, there was a “Scheme of Arrangement” which resulted in change of MGG to MGF (Closed Class).

Magellan then offered a 2 for 1 options which traded in early Mar 2021 at 9 cents, today (23Apr2021) at 4 cents. The option expires 01Mar2024.
“The MGF Option gives the option holder the right, but not the obligation, to acquire one (1) Closed Class Unit in the Magellan Global Fund at an exercise price equal to 92.5% of the Estimated NAV per Closed Class Unit at the time of exercise.”

“To exercise an MGF Options and acquire one (1) Closed Class Unit in the Magellan Global Fund, the option holder is required to pay the exercise price. The exercise price is equal to 92.5% of the Estimated NAV per Closed Class Unit…”

The return on investment with initial MGG to the new MGF (with options, MGFO) is much lower than in early 2020.

1. Other than the pandemic, what other factors have caused the MGF to trade significantly lower return on investment?
2. Are investors holding off/awaiting performance of MGF and MGFO?
3. Is MGF essentially a Trust Fund that may be viewed as similar to an LIC?

What are your thoughts on the future performance of MGF?

Thank you.

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