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To benefit from the Kerry Stokes’ expertise, which investment is preferred – SVW or SWM?

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Super strategies

I still have a mortgage and the property in my area has gone through the roof lately with above record house prices.

Should I:

  • Sell now and have no mortgage? (I don’t believe the house prices will continue to rise) I live in Pymble.
  • Put money in a term deposit for a few years.
  • Rent for a few years in or around lane cove, near my son’s school.
  • Put the maximum into super (both my wife and I). I am 53 years of age with $220k in Super.

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Industrea and 360 Capital funds

Given your comments on Centuria, do you have any comments on Industrea, and the 360 Capital Funds, namely TIX (Industrial fund) & TOF ( Office Fund)?

TOF is similar to Centuria, with a potential share buyback forthcoming.

All have 8%+ returns with TIX & TOF paying quarterly, whilst IDR pays half yearly.

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Macquarie Equity Lever

Has anyone from the SSR reviewed the Macquarie Equity Lever product in respect of investment by self managed super funds? If so, where can I find that review?

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Dexus and Westfield

I have noted that DXS is part of your income portfolio. Do you recommend that long term as yield stock?

Also, what are your thoughts about WFD as part of yield portfolio in terms of earnings in USD?

I would prefer to have only one A-REITs stock in my portfolio of 20.

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