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LICs – Milton and AFIC

As part of an update to my SMSF, I will be adding two LICs. When comparing Milton, Argo and AFIC (and reviewing your recent article), I am thinking that I split between Milton and AFIC, who are trading at about a 3% premium at the moment. Argo looks to be trading at an almost 5% premium.

Your article noted that a 2-3% premium should be OK in the longer term (although ideally you should buy at a discount).

I would like to buy some Argo, but 5% seems too much of a premium.

So, my question is (and noting the 3% premium) would a split between Milton and AFIC seem sensible (for a long term strategy)?

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Ron Bewley’s 5,800 call

Ron Bewley’s projections for the ASX 200 was that it will go to 5800 and it probably still will.

All of a sudden there seems to be a massive disconnect between the Dow and our index.

I am buying the dips, but my T/A says that we could well come off another 100 points before this finds a floor.

I would really like a Switzer expert opinion.

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TPM hits $7.59 today and goes ex-dividend on November 18.

Very happy to have ignored the advice of some, with spectacular growth in this company in recent weeks.

Is it time to take profits?

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Colonial and industry super

My step daughter is 23 and works in insurance. Her salary is about $58,000 pa (+ super).

The company use Colonial as their fund of choice. She has just been told that they will increase their rates for life insurance and salary continuation insurance by between 22-25%. This will obviously affect her returns over the next few decades.

I wish to advise her to move funds. Can you please suggest some industry funds?

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International equities

I currently hold approximately 36% of my SMSF in International Equities with 3 asset managers (some of which are hedged back to AUD).

All 3 managers investments have performed quite well since I invested in 2009, however as each manager now represents around 12% of my total portfolio, I want to reduce my exposure to each of them. I would be comfortable with an allocation of 8%.

I will most likely allocate the funds returned to a liquid ETF.

If I make a partial withdrawal in each fund I will incur CGT which I am hesitant to take.

I’d be interested in your thoughts on how best to approach this re-weighting.

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I recently read numerous Switzer articles about the upcoming Christmas Rally, including James Dunn’s article from Monday 10 November 2014 about a number of good retail sector shares to consider.

I currently hold shares in Metcash Limited (MTS) and based on expert recommendations from FN Arena (consensus target price $2.76) it would appear to be a good time to sell them and cut my losses (I bought around $3.10/share).

Do you think MTS will benefit from a Christmas Rally as well? Do you think I should hold onto them for a little longer, or sell them?

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